Cap Letters: Lower Letters: Numbers:
A=41 a=61 0=30
B=42 b=62 1=31
C=43 c=63 2=32
D=44 d=64 3=33
E=45 e=65 4=34
F=46 f=66 5=35
G=47 g=67 6=36
H=48 h=68 7=37
I=49 i=69 8=38
J=4A j=6A 9=39
K=4B k=6B
L=4C l=6C
M=4D m=6D
N=4E n=6E
O=4F o=6F
P=50 p=70
Q=51 q=71
R=52 r=72
S=53 s=73
T=54 t=74
U=55 u=75
V=56 v=76
W=57 w=77
X=58 x=78
Y=59 y=79
Z=5A z=7ACode:
Symbols: Cap Euro Letters: Lower Euro Letters:
[SPACE]=20 À=c0c3 à=a0c3
!=21 Á=c1c3 á=a1c3 ø = f8
"=22 Â=c2c3 â=a2c3
#=23 Ã=c3c3 ã=a3c3
$=24 Ä=c4c3 ä=a4c3
%=25 Å=c5c3 å=a5c3
&=26 Æ=c6c3 æ=a6c3
'=27 Ç=c7c3 ç=a7c3
(=28 È=c8c3 è=a8c3
)=29 É=c9c3 é=a9c3
*=2A Ê=cac3 ê=aac3
+=2B Ë=cbc3 ë=abc3
,=2C Ì=ccc3 ì=acc3
-=2D Í=cdc3 í=adc3
.=2E Î=cec3 î=aec3
/=2F Ï=cfc3 ï=afc3
:=3A Ñ=d1c3 ñ=b1c3
;=3B Ò=d2c3 ò=b2c3
<=3C Ó=d3c3 ó=b3c3
==3D Ô=d4c3 ô=b4c3
>=3E Õ=d5c3 õ=b5c3
?=3F Ö=d6c3 ö=b6c3
@=40 Ø=d8c3 ø=b8c3
[=5B Ù=d9c3 ù=b9c3
\=5C Ú=dac3 ú=bac3
]=5D Û=dbc3 û=bbc3
^=5E Ü=dcc3 ü=bcc3
_=5F Ÿ=b8c5 ÿ=bfc3
`=60 ß=9fc3
ø = f8
ÿ = ff
ü = f9
õ = f5
ñ = f1
û = fb
ô = f4
ö = f6
ò = f3
ó = f2
ú = fa Š = a0c5
š = a1c5
Є = ac82e2
Š = a0c5
š = a1c5
Є = ac82e2
ø = f8
ÿ = ff
ü = f9
õ = f5
ñ = f1
û = fb
ô = f4
ö = f6
ò = f3
ó = f2
ú = fa
Euro STuff Other:
=A284E2 #N=4E23
¡=A1 {*0}=7D302A7B
=A9 {*1}=7D312A7B
«=AB {*2}=7D322A7B
=AE {tri}=7D6972747B
°=B0 {dUP}=7D5055647B
»=BB {dDown}=7D6E776F44647B
¿=BF {dRight}=7D7468676952647B
{*0} = white
{*1} = red
{*2} = yellow
#N = next line
{tri} = Triangle
{dUP} = D-pad up
{dDown} = D-pad down
{dRight} = D-pad right
{dLeft} = D-pad left
{Circ} = Circle
{X} = Cross
{sq} Square
{Select} = SELECT
{Start} = START
{L1} = Left Trigger
{R1} = Right Trigger
{Stick} = Analogue Stick
Its really easy just fallow the instructions on how to make a tag.
#Meme clan tag
0x00F8b370 0x00000000
0x00F8b374 0x00000000
0x00F8b378 0x00000000
0x00F8b37c 0x00000000
0x00F8b380 0x00000000
0x00F8b384 0x00000000
0x00F8b388 0x00000000
0x00F8b38c 0x00000000
0x00F8b390 0x00000000
0x00F8b394 0x00000000
0x00F8b398 0x00000000
0x00F8b39c 0x00000000
0x00F8b3a0 0x00000000
0x00F8b3a4 0x00000000
0x00F8b3a8 0x00000000
A) Im going to make a example that is HELLO in red.
you can find the hex values here
B) Find the hex value of the following HELLO and this {*1}.
C) H=48, E=45, L=4C, O=4F, and {*1}=7D312A7B
4. Now you start editing the hex value of your tag.
A) first you need the color on the code (this will be shown in red)
B) Then you put on the "HELL" in your code (this will be shown in yellow)
C) After that you put on the rest that is "O" (this will be shown in blue)
0xFFFFFFFF 0x0055BD88
0x00000000 0x7D312A7B
0x00000004 0x4C4C4548
0x00000008 0x0000004F
0x0000000c 0x00000000
0x00000010 0x00000000
0x00000014 0x00000000
0x00000018 0x00000000
0x0000001C 0x00000000
0x00000020 0x00000000
0x00000024 0x00000000
0x00000028 0x00000000
0x0000002c 0x00000000
5. You finished with the code now you go to your clan section press
TRIANGLE and edit your clan tag and make sure you have this meme in
white and then just turn it on by pressing the music bottom and your
tag that you made look in your text thing and press ENTER and then
your DONE =]
*If you want the TM in your tag then have the code that u made like this one:
0xFFFFFFFF 0x0055BD88
0x00000000 0x7D312A7B
0x00000004 0x4C4C4548
0x00000008 0xA284E24F
0x0000000c 0x00000000
0x00000010 0x00000000
0x00000014 0x00000000
0x00000018 0x00000000
0x0000001C 0x00000000
0x00000020 0x00000000
0x00000024 0x00000000
0x00000028 0x00000000
0x0000002c 0x00000000
*Then take this hex value of the tm (A284E2) and put it on the code
on top (this will be shown in red)
to have the
outside of the ] put tm, then put ], then put D9D9EE2