ow to use pspbricker
Step1)download pspBricker.prx
Step2)drag the pspBricker.prx & pspBricker.txt into your seplugins folder
Step3)now open ur game.txt & put ms0:/seplugins/pspBricker.prx in there and save it
Step4)to get animations to work put these codes in your nitepr folder in UCUS-98645:
#Animation 1
0x00804F10 0x00000000
#Animation 2
0x00804F10 0x00000001
#Animation 3
0x00804F10 0x00000002
#Animation 4
0x00804F10 0x00000003
#Animation 5
0x00804F10 0x00000004
#Animation 6
0x00804F10 0x00000005
#Animation 7
0x00804F10 0x00000006
#Animation 8
0x00804F10 0x00000007
#Animation 9
0x00804F10 0x00000008
#Animation 10
0x00804F10 0x00000009
0x00804F00 0xFFFFFFFF
0x00804F04 0xFFFFFFFF
0x00804F0C 0xFFFFFFFF
0x00804F08 0x000F4240
0x00804F08 0x0007A120
0x00804F08 0x0003D090
0x00804F08 0x0001E848
0x00804F08 0x00001F7E
0x00804F08 0x00000FBF
0x00804F08 0x000007E0
Step5)now to make animations open up your pspBricker.txt and type wat ever you want your animation to say open up your
(Tip): you need this sign to separate your animations -> þ